Friday, March 24, 2006

Homme Life

There's an apology to be issued somewhere over the last post. Apparently somebody flew off the wall in reaction to something. People fly off the wall for many reasons, though, it's nothing new. Problem? No pasa nada.
There is something to be said for something or other and otherwise will be said some things to be said.
Sayeth he: Return now to your home. Why are you wandering about like a chicken in the wind. Don't you care about your friends? Come ye and honor thyself with good company. Your fellows await with German Beer and so soon after Paddy's Day.
Sayeth She: I know you inside and out and I'm afraid I can hardly muster a reply, but know this: I am deeply flattered. To be touched is surely delightful, but to be loved is heavenly bliss. You offer me both and I want to die. Death, my friend, is too frightening and so I stray forever away from ye lover of death.
sayeth he: sunken treasure. Oh the sea fairs well on the bottom and I'm so tired of these waves. To know is to be dead on the bottom, dead to the world, dead dead in all but the head, and I'd give it up but who'll take it?

Which reminds me about that good shit I took the other day. It reminded me of chopsticks, though I couldn't put words to it at the time. It was only this morning that I realized my shit looked like chopsticks. There was a beautiful picture to be made from it. One of a kind for sure. Shit, I will take you as you come and hope I'll never miss you. And on that we will break shit, but extraordinarily.


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