Friday, March 03, 2006


This guy looked at me with disgust covering every inch of his demeanor. I was very much offended by this look. And then he said something strange, like I was in California, or he was in California. Which was it? I've never been to California but I assumed that California was fun. California is fun. They get a lot of sunshine over there, and nude women. This guy was not naked. He had clothes on. Very drab clothes they were, and his mustache was singing some sort of eighties remix of angry opera music. That mustache was absolutely horrific. It defined every bit of ugliness inside this man, this would be role model and friend. I think I will have nightmares.

I wanted to do a diddy. Now I talk of, what was it? I logged on, I had a topic. It was ugly. I've always been afraid of the word ugly. I rarely used it ever, and today I was supposed to tackle this ugliness. There was a horrible ugliness that occurred. Two days ago. And afterward I was very relieved. I could hardly believe that I felt relieved. My initial reaction was, "here we go again, back on the ugly train, and around and round we go", but soon after I jumped off that train, and I haven't felt more relieved in over two years. I feel real good. And why not?

Anyways, oh yes, that was it. It was the misery that went along on this train. The misery. I remember now. How could I forget! I live in the asshole of the world! Is it mostly the old people? Sometimes I think so (old people are stupid in a lot of ways). So if I were to take a little survey I would find that people around here are troublesome for me. They're too smart for their own good. Smarts are so overrated. Smart is dumb. Smart is dumb, smart is dumb, what you gonna do you bum! People are troublesome everywhere, but I'm not too concerned with what I don't see. All I really am concerned about is that people around me, people that I see every day, are more or less assholes. They will like you only on their conditions, and these rules are malicious, like torture. I can only bear to laugh so long under the knife. Then I crack up!
It doesn't have to be any way in particular, that's all.
I'm wearing a Molson shirt and Miller Lite hat today. It's several hours till beer-thirty, and I suppose I will miss another appointment. What a hypocrite. Nobody likes a hypocrite and everybody is one! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


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